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FCF History
The Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF), originally called Frontiersmen Camping Fraternity, was founded during the summer of 1966. The Fellowship began as a way to reward for the older boys and men who had distinguished themselves in advancement, training, and camping.

Many of the tests a Royal Ranger will face to become an FCF member will demand a courageous spirit and be a life-changing experience.
Participation in the FCF ministry will achieve five important things for the boys and men: a demonstration of courage and leadership, development of friendships and woodsmanship, and a display of achievement.
FCF accomplishes the following purposes:
- To give recognition to boys and men who have shown exceptional interest and outstanding achievement in the Royal Rangers ministry and in Royal Rangers campcraft.
- To build a brotherhood of top-notch boys and men who will, over the years, continue to be Royal Rangers ministry and camping enthusiasts.To emphasize the importance of involvement in the advancement program, development of campcraft skills, and completion of the leadership training programs.
- To develop a corps of proven Royal Rangers who will strive to be the very best in Christian example and leadership.
- To encourage the boys and men of Royal Rangers to always prefer others above themselves and to let their leadership be by example.
- To show a spirit of servanthood, willing to give of time and energy above and beyond what is expected of Royal Rangers.
The FCF Motto
"AD dair Sevire" Latin for "To give and to serve".
The FCF Pledge
"I share with you the warmth and glow of this campfire. These crimson flames are a symbol of our fellowship and adventures in camping.
"I promise to share with you the warmth of Christian friendship and with others the light of my Christian testimony.
"I promise to keep alive the spirit of FCF in my personal life and to observe at all times the principles of Royal Rangers."
The FCF Symbol
The blazing campfire is the official symbol of FCF. It symbolizes the spirit of FCF, which is:
- Christian love (warmth)
- Personal witness (light)
- Dedicated service (usefulness)
There are five logs around the fire and they represent things that keep the FCF spirit alive:
- Courage
- Achievement
- Friendship
- Leadership
- Woodsmanship